New York

New York
This is a picture of me on the top of the Empire State Building!

Friday, 22 June 2012

Art Project

Hey guys! In my art class we worked on making a potery type thing for a few days, the only rule was it had to hold something! so I decided to make a flower vase! we used clay and made the shape then put it in a really hot oven, so it was hard, then painted it with "glaze" then put it in the oven again! Now i am able to fill it with water without it being ruined! here it is.....

some of the painting isnt the greatest and its a bit lumpy in some parts but it did turn out pretty good!! and it was lots of fun to make, its supposed to resemble like sort of the roots underground but i also added leaves so its like a vine?? and our class only had a carmel colour to use as the "dirt".

we went and bought a bouquet of multi coloured roses, i picked three, cut them short and added them to my cute vase! heres a close up! :)

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